
Gift Tags 2015! (and also the old ones!).

O come all ye grateful! The Phil Are GO! Graphic Blandishment and Photoshoppery Brigade have gifted unto thee a shining and blessed set of printable and cut-outable Pointy tree Day gift tags. We used the various Graphic Gifts from this year's posts, so don't worry that we spent too much time making new art.

Aren't they nice! Yes! They are! Don't spend money on those stupid ones in the stores which are stupid and suck. You're welcome! We're also posting the ones from last year because why not. There's a full-size PNG and JPEG of each depending which way you swing.

Tip of the hat to Aaron Mahler for giving us the idea to make gift tags, way back in the mists of time, last year. Thanks, Aaron!

Yeah, I know. We were going to use some of those pictures from last week's "Christmas Village" article, but we ran out of time just putting these together from ready-made images. I'm not made of time, people!

Click for full size JPEG.

Click for full size PNG.

Click for full size JPEG.

Click for full size PNG.


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